Silver Thorn Dragon Tamer, Luquier
Again, I assume my readers to know her effect. If you don't, feel free to look her up here. Also, some of the information overlaps with the Luquier Reverse review article, like what the 13k base can do for you. So feel free to skip it if you already know what's going on.
So a brief overview of what the card can do. She gains power for every unit you call from your soul, and also has a situational effect to fully fill your field for a hefty cost. Anyone that had played her before BT12 knows that her LB4 is extremely situational, and that she was good due to the +3k per call effect.
Her Role in a Silver Thorn build
So first of all, unlike the old days when she was boss, her main role and focus is no longer that +3k power. Silver Thorns RGs aren't particularly well know for calling stuff out of the soul consistently and easily, and even when they do, it's usually 1, up to 2 units during battle phase only if you actually land a hit on your opponent's VG. And since Silver Thorns doesn't run 8k vanillas, getting +3k doesn't do anything; it just looks nice because 20k VG columns are as bad as a 16k VG column. While the +3k power ability still makes a difference, the difference is so subtle that you probably won't notice it or see at work even once every 50 games (it's more common in a build with Eva though). So don't expect this to be a thing in Silver Thorns outside of some very rare occasion.
Her first and primary role is an obvious one; she's the cross ride fodder who's greatest purpose is to sit quietly in your soul doing nothing so your Luquier Reverse or Luquier Venus gets a 13k body.
She does have a second role though, and that is field recovery. It's extremely situational, and you'd probably only use it once every 10 games or so. But I consider 10% of my games to be a rather high chance, so I consider it not negligible. While Luquier Venus also does field recovery, and a better job at that, Luquier gives this option to a Luquier Reverse focused deck, and gives a Luquier Venus focused deck 100% G3 consistency to have the ability to recover the field.
Considering that her +3k ability doesn't do jack most of the time, and that her LB4 is very situational, she's usually just vanilla and a bad G3 to ride.
What She Brings to the Deck
The 13k Base
The largest difference is obvious; the 13k body. This is actually quite a difference for the deck due to its defensive nature and the advantage engine it has, as well as the deck's inability to push for a final turn.
When a Silver Thorn player is playing by the technique of bullying RGs, it's not uncommon to render your opponent unable to consistently form 18k columns. When that happens, it's easy for the Silver Thorn player to proceed to snowball the advantage game, because when guarding a column with a 5k shield becomes an option, you gain a tremendous amount of advantage when you can generate 5k shields for CB1 (Reverse) or 2 5k shields for CB2 (Venus). The 13k body also renders re-standers much less effective, as mentioned here, which contributes to Silver Thorn's ability to anti-meta.
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Your VG still swings for 16k without a booster |
Also keep in mind, with the help of Zelma and Emil, or even Eva (the SC1 from attacks and the break ride effect both assist in cross riding), achieving the 13k body is really easy; it's just slightly harder than Transcendence Dragon, who has it built in.
The Field Replenishment
This is a utility that is useful in less occasions, but ultimately it is still useful to some extent. Similar to Luquier Venus, she can replenish your field in an instant, but with a heavier cost and worse quality as well as more restrictions than Luquier Venus. This is more useful for the Luquier Reverse build, because it aids in covering up the weakness that Luquier Reverse has. Yes, it's extremely situational, but it's there nonetheless, and it actually does help out quite a bit when you had a really bad start.
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Those are huge columns |
In the case of when you are running Eva for break riding, this ability is actually a lot more useful because it guarantees a full field upon break riding, something that Eva needs to be devastating.
Overall, this field replenish ability is really just an inferior version of what Luquier Venus does. You can rush early game and eat a lot of RG attacks and use it to pressure on, or use it with Eva to guarantee that you have a full field on your break ride turn. But even when inferior, it's better to have the option than not, and she provides this option almost for free if you are planning to focus on cross riding.
Hopefully this article gives you an overview on what Luquier provides and helps in your decision of whether or not she's worth purchasing with whatever price tag you see her with.
I'd like to know more about the 'bullying RG' strategy. Does that involve our vanguard attacking aimed at RG? Care to elaborate, fro? :D
ReplyDeleteThat's a good question; maybe I should dedicate a small section to write it up, since it's a fairly common strategy for Silver Thorn.
DeleteBasically, since Silver Thorns is so damn good at replenishing fields (second only to Neo Nectars), and that it is a sub clan (meaning you have access to 12k attackers), and that you easily pass powers to RGs (Upright Lion/Luquier Reverse), it can be very difficult and expansive for your opponent to save RGs when you swing at their RGs with 19~21k columns. You definitely CAN throw the VG swing at a RG if you really want to kill it. Obviously make sure that if you do that, leave a column open to pass crits to so that even if you don't do damage to your opponent, you're burning their hand.
With BT15 support, Silver Thorns also have the advantage of throwing attacks at the VG and then throw the additional attacks (from Maricicia and Ana + Zelma) at their RGs. Either way, you can dedicate on bullying RGs, or you can just apply the pressure.
If I cannot get the luquier but still like the reverse luquier and the deck's mechanics, can I build the deck with 4 pop eva and 4 reverse luquier? Or would the deck be so weak that it would be better to make a nightmare doll pale moon deck instead?
ReplyDeleteViable? Yes, if that's what you're asking, so it won't be so weak that it's unplayable. You'd just be missing the cross ride body that matters in about a third of your games (depends on match up actually. Some decks are a lot better against 13k body, some have a hard time against it. Most are somewhat in between. Link Joker for one, Chaos Beat's 22k column still only forces out 10k shield), the Luquier LB4 that matters in maybe 15% (not the actual number, but you get the idea) of your games. There's also the issue of Irina not working with Eva in the center line, but it shouldn't cause too much trouble, but just something to keep a heads up about. But you get the idea. You'd be missing out on some stuff, but as a whole the deck still functions largely the same.
DeleteIf the question was is it optimal? No. Luquier's LB4 is actually useful and sought after in an Eva build.
If you really can't find/afford the base form Luquier, it's still possible to play the deck. You can try playing it online or proxy the base form Luquier to see what the difference is.
Thank you, your explanation was helpful. I decided to just proxy Luquier and try to find a deal for her somewhere
DeleteYou could compromise and run 2 or 3 instead of a full play set.
ReplyDeleteLuquier is pretty much never ran at a full playset beyond BT12 because there is no need to. It's always 3 or less.